Thursday 17 May 2012

Working as a group

For the most part I really enjoyed working as a group. Being part of the group pushed me to do more work, so I wouldn't feel like I was letting them down. As a group we had a variety of inspiration and thoughts which made us all produce such different samples and pieces. Seeing all these different pieces allowed up to bounce off each other and gain inspiration from them. Talking with each other was a key part, we would get together almost every day and discuss and show each other what we were working on, which I feel was really helpful. Because each person would have something different to show and say about the work and discuss ideas about takeing the ideas further. Being all different people, personalities, backgrounds and ages meant we all had different strengths and weaknesses which we could pay off of. Beth was really good at Photoshop, David knew how to use the laser cutter and had loads of ideas with manipulating samples, and April always had something different to say about what you could do with your samples.
Communication was a huge part of our project- the idea of collaboration with the community as a community was key- I feel we really did work as a community- bringing with each person different angles of the project.
Deadlines as a group was another factor, when we did the swapping of samples we made deadlines so we could all take part in the process, making sure we all finished on time was huge. Because if one person was not finished we would have change the deadlines and it effected everyone.  
David was a strong member of the group, he was the rock - almost the dad of the group! He was really good at organizing and planning events for the group. I don't think we would have gotten so far with out him- towards the end he personally kept me sane.
Throughout the project everyone had equal roles, but towards the end I ended up taking a bigger role with getting everything finished. At times I felt bossy, but I think if I had not done this we wouldn't have gotten everything finished especially the movie (with everyones images in it) and at the event,with setting up and organization of it.

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