Thursday 17 May 2012

Personal evaluation

During this project I feel I have really pushed myself, working in a group put pressure on me to produce a lot of work at a high standard to keep up with everyone. I used a wide range of media to express my thoughts/ideas, and learnt new techniques to support these concepts. I learnt how to use the laser cutter, Final Cut pro, and Vector works knowing how to use these programs and machinery allowed my to communicate the ideas from my mind into reality. My research includes all different areas - from museum and library visits to going to the tip. A lot of my research I did over the Easter break and going back in London where there is many different places of inspiration really helped me. I am also well versed with London so I knew where to go to get what I was looking for. Picking up that extra project High Street 2012 has added extra stress but also opened my eyes to more places and cultures that are out there. It has also demanded me to organize my time effectively to get everything finished on time. Creating personal deadlines made sure I finished everything early or on-time, it also gave me piece of mind that I wasn't missing anything out.
Personally this project has been my favorite of the year, working with people made me feel comfortable and let me really express myself. I enjoyed having a group of people I could talk to about the work I was producing and get honest useful feed back from them.

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