Thursday 17 May 2012

Film editing

For our digital outcome we decided to use the footage of the event mixed with some of the stop motions from throughout the project and the music Davids friend mixed for us that we played at the event. Originally we had this plan of putting loads of still images mixed with the stop motions and footage from the event to show the full progress of the project. However all of these different elements made the film to long and it was very time consuming to get everything formatted and learn how to edit them in. 
First time round of editing the film we couldn't get it to save properly and Jan (amazing edit technician) had gone home, and we lost the film. The next day Jan managed to find some of the footage so we had the footage we had chosen, just not edited.
Bethany did the actual cutting and pasting of the video and a few of us helped choose the clips and helped with the music out. 
In the end we used the stop motions and footage from the even mixed with the music, the video turned out perfectly. We managed to use three of the tracks during the film and credits (not all the full tracks but sections of them) the beat of the music went perfectly with the setting and mood of the footage.
The whole editing process was a major learning curve, I had never done anything like this before, but now I feel confidant in working with Final Cut pro (the program we used). The editing and filming process made me aware of how long it all takes to get it all done. I feel like we had just amount of time, but it would have been nicer to spread the editing over a few days rather than cramming it into two. Jan the edit technician helped us so much, im not sure what we would have done with out him! None of us new how to use any of the editing programs before he showed us. He guided us through converting and editing the footage, effects, sound, and to be honest the whole process !

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