Wednesday 16 May 2012


I wanted to incorporate the left over pieces from the laser cutter in my final out come but I was not to sure how I would do that. I did some experimental illustrations using the actual pieces on a plain figure to see if I could get some inspiration. As seen in the illustrations all of the idea are on a large scale using lots of the pieces. These ideas are very unrealistic, not only on the scale, but the amount of pieces I would need to make these. Obviously I had a limitation (because of how many small pieces I have). I needed to make a smaller scale piece that would tie in with my shorts, these illustrations gave me the idea of putting them onto a crop top the was donated.
The amount of left over pieces should just about cover a section of the top, I think the white with pale blue on it will show the pieces off nicely, and bring out the slightly burnt edges of the fabric (burnt edges from the laser cutter).

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