Tuesday 8 May 2012

Colour Palette- The importance of colour

Colour is a major part of any design, so for my colour palette for this project I have been looking at traditional colour seen in Bengali designs and updating them. Still using the standard colours they used (red, blue, yellow) but using different sades of the colours.
As seen in the image above of traditional Bengali embroidery they used muted shades of blue, red,pink, and yellow. Gaining inspiration from these images I designed a series of prints and transfers around them. As to update them I worked with scale and colour, the colours are mainly bright, although there are some pastels. Blue seems to be the colour im more drawn to and end up working with the most, blue is the colour that has worked the most consistently through out the designs- transfer, bonda-web and wet prints (and personally I like the colour). Coincidentally this pastel blue I have been using is a major colour this season- so I feel it is relevant to this seasons colour palette.

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