Wednesday 16 May 2012

Process of making the top

When making this top I came across a problem, I had to figure a way out of attaching all of these small pieces. I could not sew them on because the stitching would take away from the little bits, and would not stay still under a sewing machine just making it look messy. There was also the concern of time, I had a limited amount of it, to get the piece finished, and sewing would have taken ages!
I came to the conclusion of using bondaweb. I put all of the pieces so they slightly over lapped each other and ironed them all on, this was very time consuming but I imagine the sewing would have taken longer, and with the bondaweb it did not add anything extra to the pieces- as to not distract from the small pieces.
I am really please with how the top has worked out, the bondaweb worked perfectly and they have stayed on completely. Using the iron to bond them on burnt the edges even more which added a lovely effect.
I did a rectangle of them in the middle, because it is a simple shape that would not distract from the garment and show the fabric pieces of nicely, and it gave them a nice border of white. I personally am a fan of semitry and I think that is a another reason I chose to do this.
Ironing the piece on was fairly simple, although a few bits got stuck to the underside of the iron and I manged a ruin it (well the iron). Some of the bondaweb in the spaces between with no fabric on top got stuck and bunt to it. 

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