Wednesday 16 May 2012

Ideas that went no where

For my final outcome I have decided to use the laser cutter rather than the other media's I had experimented with. The laser cutter produced such a refined professional clean cut out come that I personally was very happy with - I felt no need to use the other samples I had experimented with.
The experimentation with shape using the white top was interesting, but I felt it was not enough of a progression to use as a final garment.
Using wet print was an idea that originally interested me, but some of the samples turned out messy and not as nice as I thought they would. I felt the prints were not good enough (as such) to use for a final out come. Same with the rubbings and sample I did using flock.
The embelisher created some lovely effects (bonding two fabrics together, the withered look, old and new fabrics- all qualities I was looking at) but the samples looked messy and there was to much going on in them (to distracting) to use as a garment design.
The process of learning and using all of these different methods lead me to my final idea and designs, so even though I did not use them in the final outcome the process of producing them was vital and very useful, I felt like I really explored all my options. After experimenting with all of the different ideas and methods I could accurately gauge what I wanted my outcome to be. I asses all of the samples I had produced and felt the laser cutting option was the strongest.

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