Monday 9 April 2012


AS a group we have decided to each get inspiration from different cultures and sources. I have decided on Bangladesh culture. I have chosen this because they are one of the lead manufactures in the world, as like was Manchester around 100 years ago. The connection of the two via industry and the fact the country has been brought up many times in conversation and even in our brief for the DRESS project, it seems fitting to use the country.
It raises questions on what the future is for Bangladesh, like we have seen in Manchester when the manufacturing industry left the city it because derelict, run down and currently is a major student city- I wonder what would happen to Bangladesh if this were to happen ?
On a completely different note I was watching Human planet (rivers) today and they showed powerful images of the massive floods that occur every year. People were having to move their houses in minutes because the lad was breaking away and falling into the ocean surrounding. The land was crumbling beneath these innocent peoples feet so quickly it makes me wonder if this country will even exist in the future if this keeps happening.With flooding as such a major issue within the culture maybe I could start looking into designing clothing with a purpose and practical use. So if there was an unexpected life threatening flood, these people would be able to throw something on and hopefully it would save their life?
The website below I found online, it is a virtual explanation of all the different aspects of Bangladesh culture and so on

Image of a Flash flood In Bangladesh

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