Thursday 16 May 2013

Introduction into Unit X

Unit x is about interdisciplinary collaboration, exposing us to engage with others like we would in the industry. It is also about seeing how others work, showing us new ways to approach a brief. For us in particular we only worked in groups for the first stage, a very different approach to starting a project but ultimately very useful as we all bounced ideas off of one another.

During this project I would like to improve my group skills, working in a design team is something I have in the past enjoyed but not had a lot of experience with. It is important for me to learn as much as I can about this group dynamic as in the industry it will be more likely I will be part of a team rather than a lone designer. I would also like to improve my confidence in my work, the last two projects I have not had complete confidence in my work, which brought it down. Through lots of market research (being aware of what other companies are producing), and commitment I believe I can change this.

This is the first time I will be designing for interiors as for the last two projects I have designed for fashion, and in particular menswear. I think my lack of knowledge in the area of menswear added to my lack of confidence, where as I have done a lot of research already into interiors. I went around Chelsea Harbour and collected samples of interior fabrics, finishes and textures. I have also been looking at relevant magazines i.e. The World of Interiors, and Ideal Home.  

I haven’t made any decisions yet about what I will be designing for, fabrics or wallpapers. I plan on creating the work and then seeing where it is appropriate for. I would like to learn about this area of textile design as it has interested me for a while, I feel after this project I will be able to accurately make a decision on where I want my career to go.

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