Friday 17 May 2013


This project has been a pivotal moment in my textile degree, I have learnt a lot about myself as a designer and also about the industry. Before this project I had only designed for fashion, and this has opened my eyes to interiors and the many different areas it bleeds into. I have decided I would like to move my career forward as an interior textile designer, not specifically in what area of interiors yet though. Preferring interiors over fashion design has a lot to do with my knowledge of what is modern and acceptable, whereas in pervious projects I was not as aware of what was current. Another factor is the ability to be bolder when designing for interiors; I felt constraint when designing for menswear. It has been a massive change to what I am used to, as desining for interiors you have to work to a certain set of measurements. Which unfortunately I did not do with one of my prints until the end of the project when I had to edit the design, it would have been a lot easier and less time consuming had I done this from the start. Another factor is composition, because it will be on such a large scale the composition of a print is more noticeable. You also have to take into account (when doing wall paper) where the print will match up.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this project, partly because it is something new and exciting but also working towards a live brief. At first I was wary of being set a theme, feeling it was to constricting, but it was not at all. In fact the brief was very open an allowed me to express my ideas relating to the theme. This experience has given me an insight of how a design firm works; how they work as  team to produce a finished product, and how a company collaborate with one another. I would have like to have more interaction with the design team, so I could have had more input from them and accurately assess the client’s needs. This was an excellent opportunity as this is how I will be working in the industry, as I had  said before, it is most likely that I will be working within a design team rather than a lone designer.

If I were to start the project again I would have created more prints in repeat, I particularly like the print using the graffiti drawing. I would have liked to furthered those designs into a full collection of children’s wallpapers.  Would have also started out working with the measurement’s the designs had to fit in, luckily only one of my designs was off and I could fix it, but it was very time consuming and could have been disastrous. I am happy with how my prints turned out although there is a little pixilation in a few of the images, but that is due to the print not printing more than 300 dpi.

This project has taught me to constantly evaluate and reflect upon my work, this method has helped me be critical when creating and choosing designs to work with. It has increased my confidence in my work, my ability to work towards another’s needs, and critique abilities. Interiors Company’s, after this project I feel I will be going into them with knowledge of the process, and learn much more on the industry which I can relate to my practice. I felt I responded well to the brief, but with more time I feel I could have produced a wider variety of designs, and possibly came up with a few more collections.

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