Sunday 19 February 2012

Self Evalutaion of Project

1. Develop ideas creatively and imaginatively through research and sampling  Through out the unit I have explored many areas to gain inspiration for sampling, such as visiting to the zoo, aquarium, and library. All of the pictures (excluding the ones of the designers work) have been my own. The emphasis in colour in the project is something i have really enjoyed, this approach allowed me to look at images, yarns, and threads in a new light!     2. Respond to challenges and risk taking.   I think i could have been a bit more risk taking with my samples such as dying them (but i would have needed to get an induction to the dye lab). Other than that i experimented with washing my samples afterwards, weaving paper through them and mixing different types and qualities of yarns and threads, and experimenting with various weave structures.       3. Identify and apply appropriate methods of organisation and planning.   In the first part of the project with opposites i had not planned enough, with printing images out and working from them. Learning from my previous mistake, as soon as we started this project i printed all of my images out so i could see the true colours and textures which allowed me to work with the images while weaving. Something else i learnt was using white card to do the thread wraps on, in the first part of the project i used grey card which was very distracting from the true colour schemes i was working with. so in the second part i only used white card. Also doing drawings along side weaving gave me new ideas for patterns, colour schemes and threads to use.      4.Communicate effectively using a range of media.   through using different textured yarns and weave structures i think i was able to translate my ideas and images adequatly into representative samples. Having the images beside me, and drawings i produced before the samples or along side them (in the second half of the unit) really helped me convey my thoughts.  Being on the electric loom rather than a hand loom gave me the opportunity to explore a whole new range of structures and effects which you couldn't do on the hand loom. But starting on a hand loom introduced me to the potential outcomes of future samples.         5.Work independently in a safe manner, using appropriate health and safety procedures.   Once being inducted onto the looms (and especially second time round, having previous knowledge) I was confidante enough to try new techniques and go in alone to the weave room on a daily basis. Mind, the weave room is a very comfortable environment, knowing Rebecca (the weave technician) was there to help was very comforting. 

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