Sunday 25 March 2012


Thinking about the cotton exhibiton, and the hisotry around the cotton industry in conjuction with  Manchester has got me thinking.
We as a group have decided to do individually led inspiration for our personall studies, then revise all of the ideas as a group and pick the strong ones. So I am going to take my inspiration for my personal studies from the Bangladeshi culture. Looking into things like tradional methods, the floods that happen, tecniques, the people, food, clothing and tradional dress. I have chosen Bangladesh because they are one of the manufacting giants, where as 100 years ago or so it would have been Manchester producing all of these goods. I feel like it would tie in really well with the group proejct, Manchester (obviously), the UHC Dress proejct (because of the large immigration of Bangladeshi's) and also I am just very interested by the country in itself.

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