Tuesday 20 March 2012

DJ talk- Dave Halsam

The idea of having a talk from a DJ seemed odd, and didn't have much relevance. He spoke about the music scene in Manchester from the 1980's to current times and its effects on the world. Bands like Joy Divison, The smiths and many more came out of Manchester. Dave Halsam spoke about a rebelious undeground period in time, all of the talent and artistic people were emerging from this 'margin' rather than the main stream. He went on to discuss that we as a group of practioners should be taking our inspiration from the margin rather than the main stream, to go to events with less than 200 people. He suggested a place called Kraak gallery....obscure name and slightly intimidating i convinced my flat mate and her boyfriend to come with me. We showed up and there was about ten people there, we waited and talked and drank sure enough about an hour or so this tiny dinghy room was packed with people. This was probably one of my favroite nights out and i intend to go to more smaller events.
Although at first I couldn't find the relevance to this talk, giving it time to sink in I have become very inspired and excited to become part of this risk taking rebleious 'Margin".

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