Sunday 20 November 2011

Sleuthing through my sketchbook

Page from sketchbook..investigating textures, layers, and colours of slums, poor sanitation, over population, disease, and grime. Throughout the sketchbook natural colours are used to create a 'mood' within the book, a mood of distressing, dark times. The use of layers on this page, and generally through the sketchbook is key. Using layers of different media unique effects and colours are achieved. They add to the mood creating depth. The book is heavily textured to portray the polluted slums, and grimey conditions. On this particular page many media have been used, wax, lentils, barley, plastic, coffee, tea, ink, paint, tin foil, and combinations of them all.
Layers of lentils, ink, paint and coffe have been used to imitate the growth of bacteria.

further along in the sketchbook, experimentation of stuffing things to create 3D cholera imitations appears. Pictures of the sample to the left show it has been used around the neck and chest area to suggest infection creeping up the body, entering the mouth, and festering in the body.
Although the idea of infection is a grim one, the objects have been 'decorated' using bright colours, and atempt to make bacteria beautiful, accepted, and possibly not feared?

The above image is one of a diving page, representing the beginning of the 3D workshop. The page is not particularity significant in its self, bu the beautiful deep layers and colours that are shown are full of emotion. Possibly suggesting a take over-infection, or possibly bacteria festering under the layers of dirt. The colours are natural and graduated, from dark to light, adding to the notion of disease and its ability to grow and multiply.

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