Sunday 20 November 2011

Exporation of The ICA

Institute of Contemporary Art 

Jacob Kassay

 The work was interesting to an extent. The main idea was that as people walked by they would in a sense be interacting with the pieces. Because they were just painted (with a slight amount of texture)silver as you would walk by there would be a glimpse of a figure. Personally i think the concept sounds more appealing than the actual pieces, not to say they were grotesque (infact they were rather beautiful) but that the work was not as striking as one was led to believe. Possibly if the artist had explained in more depth as to what he was thinking while creating, I would have enjoyed it more. 
As an artist this was Jacob Kassys' first solo exhibition in a public gallery.

AD Reinhard 

Thoroughly enjoyed this part of the exhibition, AD Reinhardt had designed a series of comic-esque illustrations discussing a wide variety of ideas. Some were ironic and funny, others were deep and almost philosophical. He questions art and designer, but also the makers them selves. Poking fun at them, mocking them with their own work which is a risque move. In fact its rather ironic he is ultimately taking the piss out of the creative world when in reality he is part of it. One quote in particular stood out, It is now on the cover of the sketchbook; Art is not a bag of trade-tricks of hack-skills, a property of the few, but a dangerous propaganda for changing and controlling the world so that everyone can be creative'

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