Thursday 19 January 2012

P.E Blogging Task

Evaluating my project 

For this project my workshop was 
weave, never having done weave before I was not sure what to expect. In the beginning weave was very tedious and time consuming, but once I actually started weaving it was very enjoyable. There are many different patterns and effects you can create. For exampled the sample on the right, I wove elastic into the weave so when it was taken off of the loom the sample would crinkle up. The inspiration from this sample came from the colours and textures of a pomegranate and its compact seeds inside. The is another pattern called sateen where you block most of the weft of the weave and the thread woven through if predominate, so I could really portray the colours properly. 

My original thoughts for samples included a lot of print on top of them, how after speaking with Lesley (the tutor) I began experimenting with threads, like metals, papers elastic and combining threads together. The image to the right is a sample where thin copper wire and paper threads were woven into the sample. So once it was taken off the loom I could bend it into 3D shapes. The inspiration for this sample came from the first page in my sketchbook, where a 3D folded paper structure is, you can open and close it to reveal colours within the white folds. 

During this project I focused alot on having a variety of visual research because last time this was something lacking greatly through the entire project. Doing this allowed me to create a variety of different samples; varying in colour, texture, weight, size and materials. Where as last time there was deffinantly a common theme throughout all of the work. 
Something else that greatly improved during this project was the usage of my sketchbook, usually I would do the work and stick in later. However this time around the sketchbook work happened at the same time as the weave, or even before. This worked out really well because I could constantly get inspiration from the colours and images in the book. Although there is not as much drawing in this sketchbook as there was in the last one. It was difficult finding inspiration to draw from, because I was not going to sit and draw a loom or my weave for that matter ! Its been more straining, so I've had to look at different objects and ideas which 'trapping' is part of. In the long run that has been good thing, seeing ads it is just adding to the visual research. One of the obejcts' I focused on was a group of chilies, an image of them is up on the right. They have fantastic colours, shapes and have the idea of trapped (seeds on the inside). 
This project of sampling has shown me that I really enjoy working with colour, proportions and also weave. I am doing weave again for the next workshop, I cant wait to use a double thread loom and learn new patterns. With a double thread loom you can do many more patterns and techniques, you cant with the looms we were using this time. Ive started thinking about what type of subject to choose, and I'm thinking a really bright, textured and layered topic !
This sample below got me thinking of the project to come, this one is pretty bright, layered and textured. Weave was the work shop i enjoyed the most and cant wait to start it again !! 

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