Thursday 14 March 2013

Clashing colours

Clashing colours
Merging two images together to create an imgae of bold bright clashing colours and prints.

Found colour 2

I love this image-
paint on ridged metal gives it a
 unique texture, giving the image another dimention than just colour.

Found colour


The unexpected

Unexpected Find

Alongside a bridge these bold murals appeared, they were so obsure in placement and theme. The colours were bright and expressive as were the images them selves.


The contrast of the artwork against the grey was so strikingly, I found this unusual misture of print as such agasint the mat dull concrete inspiring


Inspiration from Graffiti
Graffiti as descirbed in the dictionary 'is writing or
drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or
sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place'
Graffiti is found every where from obscure alleyways,
 to front doors.It is over the top, out of place, bright,
garish, full of character, unique, bizzare, atypical..... I feel it
is relavant because to be eccentric means many of these 
characterisitcs I have used to describe graffiti.

Colour Pallet

Colour Pallet

At an attempt to begin deveopling a colour pallet, I zoomed in on areas of colour that naturally appeared through the collection of images. So far I am most attracted to the bright intense clashing colours and prints.

Mood Board - Division

Spliting the boards into two

We have decided to split the images into two groups to show eccentricity does not always have to mean bright bold garish colours patterns and art -  but that it can also express meanings of personality, representation of art through mark making, groups of people who are/were eccentric; The Beat Generation, Andy Warhol...


Mood Board - First Draft

Mood Board

First Draft

Bright bold colours
Bold prints
Clashing colours
Clashing prints
Eccentric interiors
Eccentric people
Drag Queen
Beat Generation

Personal Input

Personal input on the mood board

After as a group making the spider diagram everyone took a few different works to research. My words were Drag Queen and Carnival. I chose these words because I  felt they are both eccentric 'performances' - Drag Queens wear over the top makeup, garments and have eccentric hair styles, as do people taking part in carnivals - they also wear outlandish coustumes and make up but, also have props and stages to perform with, adding to the atmosphere.
Below is a selection of the images;

Project 2 - Design boards

Project 2
Final boards
Digital Print Design - Menswear

Project 2 - Final Print Collection

Project 2
Final Print Collection
Digital Print Design